While searching for divorce help online, Ruth met a TLSC attorney who supported her throughout the legal process.
To Whom It May Concern:
I owe my deepest gratitude to Texas Legal Services Center for the help I was given during a very uncertain time in my life.
As an unemployed mother with no savings due to my status as a homemaker for over fourteen years, I had no funds to hire an attorney after I separated from my then-husband. He had agreed to work amicably with me when I served him with a petition for divorce and even said we would not need attorney involvement.

After weeks of giving me the runaround, I received a letter from an attorney stating that she had been retained as his counsel. I was obviously hurt and frustrated. Thankfully, I found TLSC during an online search and hoped that I could get some help through a chat session on their site TexasLawHelp.org. I was surprised when one of the attorneys engaged in a long chat with me and expressed support after I gave him all the details.
Many thanks to those who have donated and volunteered so that TLSC is able to help people who feel like they are in hopeless situations.
Over the next few weeks, the attorney continued to provide me with valuable information and guidance that helped me through the pro se process. He even attended the mediation via teleconference, reviewed the Mediation Settlement Agreement sent to him via email, and ensured that I was receiving a fair deal before it was over. Once my divorce was finalized, I remained in touch with him. He continued to help me as I had further struggles with my former spouse who was not following through on the divorce decree as mandated by the court.
Thank you Texas Legal Services Center for your support. I could not have done it without you! Many thanks to those who have donated and volunteered so that TLSC is able to help people who feel like they are in hopeless situations.
Ruth F.